Attached Pergola: Below is an example of a site plan for an attached pergola. The small
squares represent columns and the line marked house is the house. Measurements are taken between the columns
on column centers, and from the house to the column centers. Our pergolas typically have a 24-inch rafter
and purlin overhang, this factors into the overall dimensions. The 12x12’ pergola for example has an overall
size of 14x16’. In other words, the rafters are 14’ long as they only overhang on one end and the purlins
are 16’ long as they overhang from both sidea. When measuring, dimensions are taken from column centers.
Typically, our pergolas are between 8’ and 10’ tall to the bottom of the beam. Please specify how tall you
would like your pergola and remember to measure the height of any windows and doors that might obstruct the
ledger which requires a space at least 8” tall.